Here are a few highlights over the years.

  • For Robert F Kennedy & Nestle Water, I designed point of sale, packaging, apparel, billboards, & created a sweet website with fully-custom CMS.

  • For Spiffy, I built the tech startup's tech from pre-MVP stage, including the core webapp and mobile apps. Built in Ruby on Rails, it handled complicated scheduling, live chat, territory management, and so much more. (raised 92M)

  • For Walmart, Walgreens, & HoMedics, I designed the UX, UI, & built blue-tooth based mobile apps for an older population to take their blood pressure and sync it to their phones. The AppStore rating was 4.9.

  • For Miley Cyrus, I designed her and her sister's websites (incl. a very popular, paid fanclub webapp). The launch was successful enough, it was accoladed by Heroku.

  • For Bill & Melinda Gates, I designed the UX & UI for a website educating third-world doctors about immunizations.

  • For LabCorp, I was given sample data to ideate a new business arm / vertical concepts to vet internally. Required market research, prototyping, UX, and UI.

  • For Lebron James & well-known battery brand, I was commissioned to pitch a campaign for partnership between them.

  • For Tampa Bay Times, launched a ballsy viral campaign not unlike JibJab but before the technology existed. Increased revenue by nearly 50%, so AdAge took notice.

  • For Duke University, I've built 10+ high-profile websites. Some have thousands of pages.

There's more, but those are top of mind. Here's what I can do for you.